“Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy…”

“Conspiracy Theory” has become a phrase that is often used by the talking heads on television and politicians to discredit anyone that questions the official explanation of 9/11/01 or any other event in world history or geopolitics.  Conspiracies are committed every day in America and prosecutors often charge persons with conspiracy to commit a crime as a separate offense as defined in the criminal code.  So why has adding of the word “theory” to this word defining a crime, been turned into a discrediting dismissive attack on people that question the government’s obvious and blatant lies?

John F. Kennedy used the phrase “Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy…” in his April 27, 1961 speech as discussed and linked in the previous blog post.  He described the conspiracy, without giving them a name or identifying them, that assassinated him two and a half years later.  History has shown that Lee Harvey Oswald, the lone gun man, was exactly what he said, “a patsy”.  Who was Kennedy talking about in this speech?

JFK and Jackie In Dealey Plaza

JFK and Jackie In Dealey Plaza

A list of ten (10) possible conspiracy groups were provided in the “Rabbit Hole” post after the link to the Kennedy speech.  Did the reader examine the groups to determine which conspiracy or group of people was being referenced by John Kennedy?

In this authors opinion only one group fits the description, and that is the last option offered as number ten, the Vatican.  John Kennedy, as the first Roman Catholic president ever elected, was warning the public about the sinister role of the Jesuit Order under the umbrella of the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church as the enemy of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights.   The Jesuits have been involved in orchestrating most wars and political assassinations and have been kicked out of 73 countries for their duplicity.   The Jesuits are a military order created under Pope Paul III by the first Jesuit Supreme General, Ignatius Loyola or the Black Pope in 1534 to counter the Protestant Reformation.  The Jesuits are an order that requires its leaders to take a blood secrecy oath (revealing their secret plans or actions result in taking their blood or death).  The current chain of command and titles of the “latest puppet” US President Barack Obama under the Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas are pictured on Eric Phelps web site here: VaticanAssassins.org.

The Vatican and Holy See

The Vatican and Holy See

Eric Phelps latest 1,834 page footnoted book “Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends” is not the only credible source for reaching this conclusion.  Charles Wilcox, a Canadian Author, has written a scholarly book titled, “The Transformation of the Republic: The Origins of the Religious Hijacking of the American Government: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”.

The tentacles of the Vatican reach into all aspects of our daily lives and they control many of the other potential ten named conspiracy groups listed in the previous blog post “Rabbit Hole”.  The Vatican through their control of the secret blood oath societies like the Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Knights of the Golden Dawn, and higher levels of the Freemasons have control of the global intelligence apparatus often referred to as the Omega Group including the CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, Mossad, and others.  The Vatican controls global finance through their designated treasurer of their vast wealth and holdings of gold, the Rothschilds.  Their tentacles also reach into Israel’s Rabbi’s and the Zionist groups many of whom are also high Freemasons.  Another of the listed groups controlled by the Vatican is the mafia or Italian/Sicilian based La Cosa Nostra.  In addition, when you look carefully at the people running the military industrial complex, warned about by President Eisenhower, you will discover that the Vatican and their secret societies play key roles of control.

Please listen and read again the speech by JFK concerning the “Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy…” and ask yourself, is John Kennedy in fact describing the Vatican.  Is it the Vatican and the Jesuits (Society of Jesus) that are orchestrating with their secret blood oaths their “ordo ab chaos” to bring about their New World Order (NWO – as inscribed in Latin in the Great Seal of the United States on back of the One Dollar Federal Reserve Note), incorporating one world government, one world religion, and total control and enslavement of the earth’s populations through the planned destruction of the world’s economy and then the depopulation of the planet using the man made human-avian-swine flu pandemic and vaccination system?

The Georgia Guidestones - Earth Population (500 Million People)

The Georgia Guidestones - Earth Population (500 Million People)

Published in: on October 4, 2009 at 2:06 pm  Comments (10)